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Mycheckoutshirts - Pregnant as a mother shirt

In North America, the Pregnant as a mother shirt In addition,I will do this scores of missing and murdered Indigenous women—known as MMIW, an acronym created by Indigenous journalist Sheila North Wilson in 2012—don’t get the mainstream attention they deserve. In the U.S., homicide is the third-leading cause of death among Native women ages 10 to 24, according to the Urban Indian Health Institute, and Native women are victims of murder more than 10 times the national average, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. In Canada, the government’s National Inquiry found similar horrifying statistics, including that Indigenous women are seven times more likely to be murdered by serial killers than non-Indigenous women.

Mycheckoutshirts - Pregnant as a mother shirt
Mycheckoutshirts - Pregnant as a mother shirt

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