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Mycheckoutshirts - I crochet so I don’t kill peopled shirt

My husband, Bilal, lives and works in San Francisco. Before getting married, my notion of home had been tethered to Pakistan. It’s where I’d grown up, the I crochet so I don’t kill peopled shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this place I’d scurried back to just a few years after graduating from college in the States. My then-boyfriend and I broke up not long after I moved back—not because we had lost interest in one another but because we couldn’t find middle ground between Karachi and Oakland, where he lived. Several years later, the irony of getting married in the Bay Area was not lost on me.

Mycheckoutshirts - I crochet so I don’t kill peopled shirt
Mycheckoutshirts - I crochet so I don’t kill peopled shirt

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