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Mycheckoutshirts - Dogecoin the woof shirt

It’s past 11 p.m. and Lynn announces that she must turn in. Helmut walks her to the Dogecoin the woof shirt and by the same token and door and June sneaks one of my cigarettes. When she’s sure that we’re alone, she whispers, “There are layers and layers and layers.” And then again, shaking her head in wonder, “Layers and layers and layers. Helmut. It’s amazing. He’s a very fascinating man.” She takes a long, deep, satisfying drag of her cigarette and slowly blows out the smoke. “I know a lot of those layers, but I don’t know all of them.”

Mycheckoutshirts - Dogecoin the woof shirt
Mycheckoutshirts - Dogecoin the woof shirt

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